lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Publicado por Sofy en 17:48



º How I started using e-tools.
- My first contact with a computer and internet.
- How I learned to use a computer.

º internet; advantages and disadvantages, its purposes and difficulties.

º Usefulness in education
- How electronic tools have influences/improve mi L1/L2


Nowadays, electronic tools are a very important part in our daily life. We are a new generation surrounded by technology. We are in a continous learning and these tools help us to achieve this learning, so, it is imp0ortant to be in touch with them because as time goes by we leave the old ones, to use the new ones.

Having a computer was a luxury that not everyone could afford. I remember when my dad bought us a computer. I was very excited. Even though I did not have the knowledge to use it because nobody taught me to use it, I learned by practicing. At the beginning, we did not have internet because it was very expensive, but I remember in junior high school, teachers began to give us assignment such as researches, and with this, the use of internet began necessary for educational purposes. Some time later I had internet at home, I learned to use e-mail, messenger, social pages etc. Each day I learned more than the day before and the use of internet and a computer became something common in my life without noticing the advantages and disadvantages.

It is said that something bad, brings something good and vice versa. Making this tool a part of my life, made me be a little bit lazy, because now I know I can find everything on the web. A big disadvantage is that not everything on the web is reliable and it can be manipulated, sometimes we do not have the necessary knowledge or maturity to understand a certain topic and wrong information may affect the reader. Other bad thing is pornography and all type of adult material that turns very easy to get. On the other hand, there are many advantages such as all the information that helps people acquire new knowledge or prove one that is alreadt known, other is the advantage to communicate with people that may live in another house or in anothes continent. Internet does not have a main purpose; I think that each person uses it according to what they need ir are looking for. Every electronic tool is a big step for our generation, the difficult part is to know how to use them correctly, once you know, it is not as hard, it opens a new way of learning.

Everyday we are able to see how schools encourage the use of e-tools inside and outside the classroom. An example is "enciclomedia" which is an electronic board used un elementary school, word processors, web search engines are antoher indisplensable tool for educational purposes, another big point in education is long distance education. There are many reasons to keep learning behind a computer. In my personal case, e-tools helped me to be in touch with English, it was a very important reason why I did not forget it because I was in touch with native speakers or reading English paragraphs which helped me to acquire new vocabulary and practiced the one I already had.

Each person is responsible for thei own knowledge and the information the get. Internet give us the tools and it is in our hands to keeo either the good or bad things out of it. We are in a continous process of developing and being update is a part of evolution.

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